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Water Purification with CarbonFiber
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 Carbon Fiber

Water Purification with CarbonFiber

 Water quality purification using CarbonFiber is economical and effective method. And it is low environmental impact. Active biofilm are formed by high bioaffinity of CarbonFiber, and its microorganisms decompose contaminants. On the other hand, CarbonFiber activates microorganisms and gather fishes.

What is CarbonFiber?
 ● CarbonFiber is a “fibrous carbon substance having a fine graphite crystal structure” which is manufactured
  by carbonizing acryl fibers by a special heat treatment process. (Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) type)

 ● CarbonFiber is generally said to be a “light, strong, corrosion-resistant” advanced functional material.
  It is widely used in diverse applications, taking advantage of its combination of properties as a lightweight
  materials with excellent mechanical properties, and its excellent properties as a carbon material.

   ・Specific strength (tensile strength/specific weight): 10x that of steel.
   ・Specific modulus (tensile modulus of elasticity/specific weight): 7x that of steel.
   ・Applications: Aircraft, automobiles, reinforcing material for concrete structures, fishing rods, golf clubs, etc.

 ● CarbonFiber for use as a water purification materials is given a special surface treatment to cause the fibers
  to expand in water.

 ● CarbonFiber for water purification consists of clusters (bundles) of 12,000 ultra-fine, 7μm filaments.

Functions of CarbonFiber

Function of CarbonFiber
 ● Pollutants in water are adsorbed on the large surface area of the CarbonFibers.
 ● At the same time, microorganisms in the water are attracted and fixed.
 ● Due to their high biocompatibility, CarbonFiber forms an active microorganism film and become a habitat for
  the microorganisms.

 ● The microbial film sways in the water, capturing and decomposing pollutants. → Water purification.
 ● The microorganisms are activated, attracting fish and creating a habitat for egg-laying and the growth of young
  fish. → Formation of seaweed bed.
 ● Effects include water purification, preservation of the ecosystem, and securing biodiversity.

When immersed in water, a water-soluble sizing agent dissolves, and the filaments unravel and spread.

Pollutants are adsorbed and microorganisms are fixed on the large surface area of CarbonFiber.

Bio film ( radical sludge)

Microorganism (microscope photo)

Mechanism of Water Purification
Swaying of CarbonFibers causes movement
of the water and decomposition of pollutants.
Main nutrients and metabolism products
of microorganisms in microbial film.

Water Purification Effect

 Water quality purification using CarbonFiber is effective in improvement of transparency in a short time, decrease
 COD and BOD, and purification of TN and TP.

Removal rate of water quality purification using CarbonFiber items(%)
items river lake sewage
 biological oxygen demand (BOD) 50〜70 20〜90 90〜95
 suspended solid (SS) 50〜70 20〜90 90〜95
 total nitrogen (TN) 10〜30 10〜30 30〜70
 total phosphorus (TP) 10〜50 30〜90 30〜50

Possible Fields of Application of CarbonFiber
 ● Environmental water (rivers, lakes and marshes, ponds, sea water)
 ● City sewage (human excreta purification tanks, advanced wastewater treatment tanks)
 ● Factory organic wastewater (food, brewing, chemical industries)
 ● Livestock organic wastewater (excreta, milking)
 ● Residential wastewater, kitchen wastewater

Features of Water Purification by CarbonFiber
 ● Advantages of Water Purification by CarbonFiber
   ・Fast organic matter decomposition treatment rate by activation of microorganisms.
   ・Minimal generation of excess sludge, and minimal peeling off of attached matter.
   ・Large denitrification and dephosphorization effects.
   ・High suspended particle capture effect.
   ・Low installation cost, easy maintenance control, and no running costs.

● Points Requiring Consideration in Water Purification by CarbonFiber
   ・Difficult to produce effects in environments with few microorganisms, and time is required.
    → Countermeasure:Seed microorganisms
   ・Effect is reduced by deposits of excess sludge, e.g., skeletons of microorganisms, etc.
    → Countermeasure:Maintenance control
   ・Aerobic bacteria are not activated in oxygen-poor environments.
    → Countermeasure:Aeration equipment
    ・When no water flow exists, purification is not possible because pollutants do not come into contact
    with microorganisms.
    → Countermeasure:Circulating water flow
   ・When a large amount of pollutants is adsorbed, time is required for decomposition.
    → Countermeasure:Maintenance control

   ”Large effects are achieved by activation of microorganisms
                        with appropriate oxygen and water flow.”

Features of Microorganism Groups Fixed on CarbonFiber
 ● Microorganism fixing rate is fast, and the amount fixed is large.
 ● Deposited microorganisms resist peeling off, and at the same time, their activity is high.
 ● Within the groups of microorganisms deposited on the fibers, the aerobic microorganism phase and anaerobic
  microorganism phase exist in a well-dispersed state.
 ● Microorganisms with high bulk are deposited on CarbonFiber bundles. A type of pump motion in the moving
  water and swaying of CarbonFiber bundles causes mass transfer and accelerates the decomposition of
 ● The range of effect is expanded by the coexistence of a microorganism multiplication action, which is due to
  CarbonFiber actvates the initial phase of deposition of aerobic bacteria, with groups of microorganisms.

Amount of CarbonFiber Installed

  The amount installed is calculated based on various conditions, including the shape of the water area, water depth, water quality, flow  velocity, residence time, etc.
Location of installation Purpose Amount of Carbon Fiber g/m³
Pond, lake/marsh, sea Water purification 10〜100
River Water purification 100〜200
Sewage/factory wastewater Water purification 200〜600
Pond, lake/marsh, sea Seaweed bed formation 10〜200

miracarbon ®

 ● "miracarbon" is CarbonFiber for water quality purification.

CarbonFiber Water Purification Method

Installation Plans
  With CarbonFiber, a large water purification effect can be obtained simply by installing CarbonFiber in water.
 However, the manner  in which this effect appears differs greatly, depending on site conditions such as the water
 area, water depth, amount of water, water flows, water quality, etc. and the method of installation and amount of
 CarbonFiber installed. In cases where higher cost-effectiveness is required in water purification, the optimum
 installation plan is necessary.

Classification of Direct Environmental Water Purification Methods
Using CarbonFiber
Installation in main stream
Direct purification methods
Installation in contact pond
River purification Influx water purification method
Separation method
Inlet/outlet method
Direct purification methods Circulation in lake
Lake/marsh purification
(closed water bodies)

Influx water purification method Individual installation in lake
Separation method
Purification of sea
water areas
(Inland seas, closed sea water bodies)
Direct purification of water area

Standard CarbonFiber Installation Methods
(Water Purification/Seaweed Bed Formation)
 It is important for miracarbon to swing in water. The way of using is decided by the purpose, the pollution extent,
 and the site situation,・・・etc.
  1.HANGING in the water.
  2.FIXING in the water.
  3.FLOATING in the water.
  4.BOTTOM-LAYING in the water.

Purpose Method Type Attachment method
Water purification

Seaweed bed formation
HANGING Rope   ・Hanging with Rope type U, I
Rope-Float   ・Hanging with Rope and Floats
Raft   ・Hanging with the Raft,
   (PVC made, Wood made)
Floating island   ・Hanging with the Float-Island,
  (Foam material made, Wood made)
FIXING Frame   ・Fixing with the steel-Frame in the water
FLOATING Float   ・Floating with floats in the water
Bottom sediment decomposition BOTTOM-LAYING Frame   ・Fixing with the steel-Frame in the water
Pile   ・Fixing with the steel-Piles/weights in the water
Water purification

Seaweed bed formation

Bottom sediment decomposition
FIXING & BOTTOM-LAYING Frame   ・Fixing with the steel-Frame in the water
  ・Bottom-Laying in the water
FLOATING & BOTTOM-LAYING Float   ・Floating with floats in the water
  ・Bottom-Laying in the water
*If only BOTTOM-LAYING is used, water purification is not achieved and the effect will be small; therefore, a combination of FLOATING + BOTTOM-LAYING or HANGING + BOTTOM-LAYING is effective.

Schematic Diagrams of Installation Methods

● HANGING Method

● FIXING Method


 ”Recovering a Beautiful Water Environment with CarbonFiber !”

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